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Study Reveals Value of A College Degree

November 05, 2003

Columbus, GA - A new report on higher education in Georgia shows that for recent graduates of Columbus State University, a college degree is worth an average of almost $12,000 more a year than a high school graduate could expect to

Women's Soccer Comes to CSU

November 03, 2003

Columbus State University President Frank Brown and Athletic Director Herbert Greene in November officially announced the addition of women's soccer as the tenth sport in the CSU athletic program. The team will begin play in 2004

Enrollment Services Offices Closed Nov. 24-26 For Moving

November 03, 2003

All the offices of Enrollment Services will be closed from Nov. 24-26 as the division moves to a more student-friendly configuration in Fine Arts Hall. The move will limit access to the offices of: * ADMISSIONS *