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CSU Names Top Educators and Students of the Year

March 17, 2004

Columbus State University has named Shawn Cruzen as its 2003-04 Educator of the Year. Cruzen, associate professor of astronomy and director CSU's Mead Observatory in the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, earned the same honor in

CSU Names Top Educators and Students of 2003-2004

March 16, 2004

Columbus State University has named Shawn Cruzen as its 2003-04 Educator of the Year. Cruzen, associate professor of astronomy and director CSU's Mead Observatory in the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, earned the same honor in

Students Unearth Unique Dinosaur Fossils

March 12, 2004

Two Columbus State University students have discovered a horde of 85 million-year-old marine and terrestrial fossils in east central Alabama, including feathers dating back to the last era of the dinosaur age. The fossils were