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Columbus State University News - Columbus State University Skip to Main Content

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CSU Cheer Squad Wins National Championship

January 20, 2004

One of two Columbus State University cheer teams competing at the UCA Collegiate National Championships won the school's first national title in cheer. Columbus State University cheer coach Jimbo Davis's small co-ed squad -

Sounds of Three Dueling Organs To Fill RiverCenter

January 14, 2004

CSU's Jordan Concert Organ and its 3,600 pipes will be pitted against two new-fangled electronic organs in a unique concert in the RiverCenter's Legacy Hall on Jan. 17 and Jan. 18. In a grand-scale twist to the dueling banjos

Speaker Announced for MLK Commemoration Jan. 15

January 14, 2004

CSU will feature Dr. Deborah Grant, Pastor, St. John African Methodist Episcopal Church, as the guest speaker for the MLK. Jr.Birthday Commemoration Service. The event will be held in the Davidson Student Center, Room 208 on Thursday,